The 20 best Marvel films – ranked!二十部最佳漫威电影排名

  1. Blade II (2002) This sequel to 1998’s Blade was directed by Guillermo del Toro with a swirling, demonic energy. The story once again concerns the charismatic daywalker, played by Wesley Snipes. It is a delirious Gothic-tech martial arts movie and the fight sequences Del Toro unleashes are horribly exciting. Not a typical superhero film, in many ways, but a great one. 3、《刀锋战士 2》(2002) 作为 1998 年《刀锋战士》的续集,本作由古列尔莫·德尔托罗执导,充满了躁动,狂乱的力量。故事依然和韦斯利·斯奈普斯饰演的迷人角色“日行者”有关。这是一部极其劲爆的,带有哥特色彩和科技感的武打电影,并且德尔托罗编排的武打场面真是帅呆了。从很多方面来说,它算不上典型的超级英雄电影,但它是一部佳作。

2.Black Panther (2018) This superb film is a deliriously entertaining Afrofuturist adventure, with strange echoes of Rider Haggard. Black Panther was established as one of Marvel’s greatest heroes, and Ryan Coogler’s movie showed that having a nearly non-white cast was not simply a matter of diversity signalling – it was a colossal box office hit across the board, with a richer and more cultish element of fantasy than other Marvel films. (It also boasts MCU’s first woman cinematographer: the Oscar-nominated Rachel Morrison. Marvel Studios’ president, Kevin Feige, has promised to get more women writers and directors on board, with next year’s Captain Marvel co-written and co-directed by Anna Boden. So far, the only Marvel female writing credit is Nicole Perlman for Guardians Of The Galaxy.) 2、《黑豹》(2018) 这部影视佳作极富娱乐性,讲述的是一段发生在非洲的未来主义探险,会让人神奇地联想到莱特·哈葛德。黑豹被塑造成了漫威最伟大的英雄之一,而瑞恩·库格勒的作品证明的是,起用几乎没有白人的卡司阵容,不仅仅意味着多元化的发声,还能在票房上取得全面而巨大的成功。比起漫威的其他作品,本作展现的奇幻元素更加浓厚,也更加时髦。(另一件引以为豪的事情是,《黑豹》起用了漫威宇宙中首位女性摄影师,奥斯卡奖提名者瑞秋·莫里森。漫威影业的主席,凯文·费奇,已承诺将来会有更多女性编剧和导演加入。明年上映的《惊奇队长》就由安娜·博登联合编剧兼执导。目前为止,唯一参与漫威作品编剧的人是妮可·帕尔曼,她创作了《银河护卫队》。)

**Notes:**Ryan Coogler 是《黑豹》导演,瑞恩·库格勒。他的作品 showed something, 证明了某件事。that having a nearly non-white cast was not simply a matter of diversity signalling. cast 指的是电影或者戏剧中的演员,现在中文也可以直接说“卡司”。having a nearly non-white cast, 就是起用几乎没有白人的演员阵容,was not simply a matter of diversity signalling. 短语 a matter of sth. 可以理解为 “关于某事,或者引起某事”,diversity signalling 本意是多元化的信号,或者“多元化的发声”。此外,it was a colossal box office hit across the board. “colossal” 表示“巨大的”,hit 表示很受欢迎,或者很成功的人或物,across the board, 是固定短语,表示“全面的”。起用几乎没有白人的阵容,还能在票房上取得全面而巨大的成功。最后用 with 补充了修饰部分,with a richer and more cultish element of fantasy than other Marvel films. "with an element of fantasy", 可以理解为“奇幻元素”, "richer",更加浓厚的, "more cultish",更加时髦的,所以最后这个修饰部分的意思是,比起漫威的其他电影,《黑豹》展现的奇幻元素更加浓厚,也更加时髦。

  1. Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Somehow the Marvel planets came into alignment more perfectly, more sublimely, with this film than with any other Marvel movie: it is smart, visually exciting and perhaps above all, funny. And it’s funny in a way that only Marvel movies can be, demonstrating that comedy need not undercut or send up the drama, but that it can be an integral part of it. Taika Waititi was an inspired choice as director, and Hemsworth and Cate Blanchett are tremendous as Thor and Hela, the goddess of death who also happens to be Thor’s half-sister. 1、《雷神:诸神黄昏》(2017) 神奇的是,漫威宇宙中的繁星,和这部作品契合得最为完美和壮丽,远超其他漫威电影。它情节巧妙,画面火爆,而且可能最重要的是,它诙谐。这种诙谐效果是只有漫威电影能呈现的,它告诉人们的是,喜剧效果未必要削弱或是夸大作品的戏剧性,而是能够成为作品戏剧性不可分割的一部分。塔伊加·维迪提作为导演,是充满灵性的选择,海姆斯沃斯和凯特·布兰切特饰演的雷神和海拉也是精彩绝伦,海拉是死亡女神,碰巧也是雷神同父异母的姐姐。

**Notes:**aligment 表示“结盟,联盟”,或者,也可以表示“排放整齐,摆在了正确的位置上”。漫威的庞大故事体系被称为“漫威宇宙”,那么漫威宇宙的每一部作品,就好像是这宇宙中的星辰一样了。灿烂的繁星,每一颗都有属于自己的位置,如果每颗星星都待在了属于它们的位置上,这就叫 Marvel planets come into alignment. 或者说,《雷神 3:诸神黄昏》这部电影,和漫威宇宙的其他作品都契合得非常好。再加上比较级,more perfectly, more sublimely than any other Marvel movie. 就是契合得无比完美和壮丽,超过了其他漫威电影。
