Gatekeeper at Japan's 'Suicide Forest' hopes music can save lives


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From his hut on the edge of Japan's "Suicide Forest", Kyochi Watanabe blasts John Lennon's "Imagine" into the night—hoping that music can lift people from their despair before it's too late. The 60-year-old musician has been waging an eight-year battle to banish the vast forest's morbid reputation by reaching out to those who come to end their lives.

从他位于日本的“自杀森林”边上的小屋,渡边京地(音)放着约翰·列侬的“Imagine”,歌声响彻夜空。他希望音乐可以在一切都变得太晚之前,让绝望中的人重新振作起来。这位 60 岁的音乐家的战斗,到现在已经持续八年了。他用音乐向那些来到这里了此一生的人伸出援手,试图驱散笼罩在这片广袤森林上空的死亡阴霾。

The forest, known as Aokigahara, made global headlines last year when YouTube star Logan Paul filmed an episode of his online series there, showing a suicide victim at the site.

这片名叫青木原树海的地方,因为去年 YouTube 红人罗根·保罗在此拍摄的一集系列视频而登上了国际头条。在这里,视频拍下了一名轻生者的遗体。

The footage sparked outrage and infuriated Watanabe, who was born nearby and has spent most of his life in and around the forest. He believes music is a way to reach people engulfed in inner turmoil, and describes seeing people turn around and leave the forest when they hear the blasting tunes.


Aokigahara's long history dates back to the middle of the ninth century, when Mount Fuji erupted and lava covered wide areas that have since transformed into a 30 square-kilometre forest.

青木原古老的历史,可以追溯到 9 世纪的中期。当时富士山爆发,熔岩覆盖了大面积的地区,这些地方后来变成了一片 30 平方公里的森林。

It is a foreboding place, thickly planted with tall trees that block out the sun, and carpeted with moss and gnarled roots. 【That led in the 1970s to it being increasingly depicted in popular novels, movies and television dramas as the fictional setting for suicides. The association eventually became strong enough that suicidal people began travelling to the forest to die.】

这个地方给人一种不祥的预感。茂密而高大的树木遮住了太阳,地面上则青苔满布,盘根错节。如此景象,让它在 1970 年代的畅销小说和影视剧的情节中,愈发被描绘成自杀的场景。这种联想的强化,最终导致轻生者开始来到这片森林结束生命。

**Notes:**动名词结构 it being depicted 在这个句子里充当宾语,表示青木原森林越来越被人描述为……的这件事情,后面有两部分补充,1. in popular novels, movies and television dramas,在畅销的小说、电影和电视剧的虚构情节之中;2. (depicted) as the fictional setting for suicides,被描述成为了一个自杀的 setting,场景。