No progress towards ending U.S. shutdown in Trump meeting with lawmakers


No agreement came out of a meeting between U.S. congressional leaders and President Donald Trump on Wednesday to end a partial government shutdown now in its 12th day as the president stuck to his demand for $5 billion (3.97 billion pounds) in border wall funding fiercely opposed by Democrats.

周三,美国政府关门的第 12 天,国会领导人和总统唐纳德·特朗普进行了会晤,就结束政府部分关门一事未能达成一致。因为特朗普总统坚持要求国会拨款 50 亿美元(39.7 亿英镑),用于边境墙建设,这一要求遭到了民主党的强烈反对。

**Notes:**come out, 表示 happen as a result, 作为结果发生,或者由……导致。原文中说的是,no agreement came out of a meeting, 会谈没能取得共识,后面的部分,一直到 as 前面,修饰的都是这个会谈,between U.S. congressional leaders and President Donald Trump, 会谈是发生在国会领袖,congressional leaders 和总统之间的,on Wednesday, 时间是上周三,然后动词不定式说明了会谈的目的, to end a partial government shutdown, 结束政府关门,也就是说,让政府重新开始运作起来。形容词 partial 表示“部分的”。后面还有个补充 now in its 12th day, 就是说,直到这篇新闻发布为止,这已经是政府关门的第十二天了。到这里,第一个分句就读完了,第二个句子用 as 引导,解释了会谈没能达成共识的原因,as the president stuck to his demand for $5 billion, stuck to 是常见短语,它的原型是 stick to, 表示“坚持,固守”。总统坚持的,就是他对 50 亿美金的拨款要求,大约是 39.7 亿英镑。这笔款项用于 border wall funding, 这个短语也可以说成 in funding for the border wall, 意思是修建边境墙的拨款。最后是后置定语:funding fiercely opposed by Democrats. 它修饰的是 funding, 为边境墙筹款一事,遭到了民主党人的强烈反对。fiercely 作为副词表示“强烈地”,Democrats 就是民主党人。

Trump’s demand for $5 billion in funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border triggered the shutdown affecting about a quarter of the federal government and 800,000 federal workers.

特朗普要求拨款 50 亿美元来修建美墨边境墙,引发了此次政府关门,影响到大约四分之一的联邦政府部门和 80 万名联邦政府员工。

Before meeting with lawmakers, Trump said the shutdown would last for “as long as it takes” as he pushes for wall money as part of any legislation to reopen agencies shuttered when their funding lapsed on Dec. 22.

在会见议员之前,特朗普表示政府关门“无论多久都行”,同时,他要求任何旨在重启政府机构的法案都必须包含建墙经费,这些政府机构在去年 12 月 22 日资金中断时关闭。

“We know that we have a challenge along the border,” said Kevin McCarthy, the top House Republican. “We want to solve that issue. We want to make sure we open this government up. And I think at the end of the day, the president, listening to him, he wants to solve this as well.”


Trump made the border wall a key part of his presidential campaign. Before meeting with the Democrats, Trump called the border a “sieve,” provided an estimate of the U.S. illegal immigrant population far higher than the figures most experts cite and made disputed comments about progress towards building a wall.


The $5 billion Trump is seeking would cover only a portion of the money needed for a border wall, a project estimated to cost about $23 billion. Trump had said Mexico would pay for the wall, but Mexico has refused.